Why It Is Important To Consult A Trauma Psychologist in Sydney?
It is a devastating experience to eyewitness natural disasters, violence and abuse. There are people who get recover from such experiences easily but there are few people who find it difficult to handle such situations.
People undergo depression or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder after witnessing a traumatic event. If you or anyone around you is suffering from PTSD then you should consult a trauma psychologist in Sydney
Trauma is caused in response to the traumatic event experienced by the person and makes it difficult to them to cope with the fear of that event. This creates a feeling of helplessness and there arises the need for a psychologist to cope with the stress of a traumatic event.
Re-experiencing devastating event: People suffering from PTSD develop unwanted images and flashbacks of that experience.
Avoidance: People suffering from PTSD attempt to restrict their contact with the people and places linked with that traumatic event.
Changes in Mood: People with PTSD no longer enjoy the things that they used to enjoy earlier. They feel detached from others and develop negative feelings.
Hyperarousal: People suffering from PTSD develop symptoms like increased anger, poor memory, low concentration and insomnia.
Helps in Coping: If PTSD is left untreated it can ruin your life completely. By consulting with a psychologist you can develop better-coping skills. You will be able to learn not to blame yourself for this situation and how to deal with your anxiety and sadness in a healthy way.
Control Trauma Symptoms: The symptoms of PTSD can hamper your daily life activities. This is quite frustrating and can affect your relationships also. A psychologist understands the situation and shares techniques to deal with it. Your psychologist will try to find the root cause of your PTSD and helps to recover from trauma permanently.
It is quite difficult to deal with the symptoms of a traumatic experience. But you should not give up and consult with an experienced psychologist in Sydney.
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