How To Know About The Symptoms of ADHD?
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is one of the most common childhood mental disorders. There are various other conditions that are associated with ADHD like depression, bipolar disorder and learning disabilities. ADHD can go from childhood to adulthood. There are various studies that revealed that 6-7% of children in Australia are affected by ADHD.
Early diagnosis and treatment can prevent major problems. There arises the need for an experienced ADHD psychologist in Bella Vista. A psychologist helps modify the behavior of ADHD sufferers and shares coping skills.
There are different types of ADHD symptoms among children. Most children who suffer from ADHD show the symptoms like inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity. These symptoms should persist for at least six months if you think your child is suffering from ADHD. If symptoms are left undiagnosed then ADHD can affect adulthood.
Signs of ADHD in Children
As we have already discussed, there are different symptoms in different children. The common symptoms of ADHD are related to inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. In children ADHD can lead to the following conditions:
Trouble focusing on activities
Become easily distracted
Low concentration while doing homework or playing
Continuously moving body
Talks abruptly and interrupt other while talking
The trouble with time management
Without the right treatment, ADHD can make your life difficult. If you are observing that your child is displaying the signs of ADHD you should surely seek help from psychologists in Castle Hills. Following are the treatment options to treat ADHD:
Behavioral Therapy: For children suffering from ADHD behavioral therapies focus on parent training. This therapy can improve the child's behavior. When parents are trained in this therapy they learn to help their child to manage everything at school and at home.
Medication: Medication therapy is used along with behavioral therapy to deal with the symptoms of ADHD in children.
Social Skill Training: Social skills training is provided to the children suffering from ADHD to improve their social interaction.
Get the right treatment from an expert psychologist for your child and help your child to manage their symptoms.
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