Psychologists Just a Call Away, EMDR Therapy Specialists

Good mental health is important for living a healthy and balanced life. It includes our emotional, psychological and social well being. In our busy lives, we do not pay much attention towards it, but mental health is as important as our physical health. Depression is a common problem nowadays among all age groups. If you have symptoms of depression, we are here for you. We have well qualified and professional psychologists for Depression treatment,

What is EMDR?
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing EMDR Therapy is an interactive psychotherapy technique used to relieve psychological stress. It is an effective treatment for trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Conditions where EMDR are helpful.
Originally, EMDR was developed to treat the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, and phobias. In Australia, APS recommends using EMDR for treatment of PTSD, Trauma and Depression. Elsewhere, therapists also use EMDR to treat eating disorders, schizophrenia, sexual dysfunction, and stress caused by chronic disease.

How does EMDR help?
EMDR helps process past experiences and reduce the distress experienced while recalling those traumatic events. Through EMDR, negative thoughts and feelings that are irrelevant to the present context are replaced with positive thoughts and feelings that improves well being and improves social interactions and behaviour. Gradually as the therapy advances the client develops resilience and learns to cope with stressful situations themselves.


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