
Showing posts from July, 2022

Trauma Focused Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - An Ideal Approach To Treat PTSD in Children

Children are the most prominent victims of trauma due to accidents, crimes and natural disasters. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a mental health condition that can affect people of all ages. The symptoms of PTSD may start soon after the event or even after six months of eye witnessing a traumatic event.  PTSD has long-lasting effects on children and they feel emotionally unstable for a very long time. There arises the need for the right PTSD treatment for children . An experienced psychologist can help your child to cope with the symptoms of PTSD. Effect of PTSD on Children Eye witnessing an accident, violent incident or natural pandemic is a stressful situation for children. This can lead to traumatic stress which gives rise to PTSD in children.  When your child faces any traumatic event they are likely to experience stress. With the passage of time, their stress and anxiety fade away. But if your child is not able to forget that traumatic event and it continuously haunts ...

How Trauma Counseling Can Help Traumatized People?

Do you recently witness a traumatic event? Are you under stress due to that traumatic event? There are a number of people who have experienced various side effects after eye witnessing a disturbing activity.  This stress affects the day-to-day activities of the sufferer. These negative thoughts can ruin your family relationships and also affect your physical and mental health. If these symptoms are left untreated can lead to serious Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. There arises the need for a trauma psychologist in Sydney .  What is PTSD? Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a psychological condition that may occur in people who have witnessed a traumatic event like a suicide, death of loved ones, terrorist attack, or natural disaster.  People suffering from PTSD have intense negative thoughts related to the activity they have experienced. They relive that event in the form of nightmares and flashbacks. They also avoid people who are linked with that particular event and try ...