All About Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Is Treatment

Trauma can happen to anyone and not all people suffering from trauma develop PTSD. Many people recover from trauma and sometimes symptoms can worsen over time. PTSD is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder a mental health condition that is caused due to trauma. What is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder? PTSD occurs due to eye witnessing an event that a person finds traumatizing. Sometimes effects of trauma occur after six months or longer and can have adverse effects. Some people have PTSD right after facing a traumatic event and this condition generally improves in a short time. Some people have long-term effects of PTSD and feel emotionally affected by that trauma. PTSD in children has become common and there arises the need for PTSD treatment for children . What are the reasons behind PTSD? There are various events that trigger PTSD like: Personal life activities like the suicide of a loved one, physical assault When someone witnesses terror activities Witnessing...